Fomapan 200 Creative Professional - 35mm - 30.5m/100FT - Bulk
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Foma Fomapan 200 Creative Professional - 35mm - 30.5m/100FT - Bulk
Foma Fomapan Professional 200 Creative is a panchromatically sensitized, black and white negative 35mm film of the speed ISO 200/24°. It is a film of a new generation, making full use of outstanding properties of hexagonal core/shell tabular silver halide grains. The film features excellent resolving power and low granularity and is intended for use under normal or slightly unfavorable light conditions. Its wide exposure latitude allows exposures in the speed range from ISO 100 to 800 without change of development time.
- New Film Stock.
- Package Contains: 1x 30.5m/100ft Roll.
- Brand: Foma.
- Film Format: 35mm Film.
- Film type: Black and White Panchromatic Film.
- ISO: 200.
- Grain: Classic Grain.
- Contrast: Average.
- Sharpness: Average.
- Development Method: Fomadon, Kodak Xtol, Ilford Michophen, Preceptol, ID-11, Tetenal.
- Technical Data Link: Click here!
If you are looking for single rolls of Foma Fomapan Professional 200 Creative in 120 film, you can find them here.