Fuji Fujicolor 200 - 35mm - 36
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Fuji Fujicolor 200 - 35mm - 36
Fuji's Fujicolor 200 is an affordable budget-friendly consumer 35mm film. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, 200 works equally well outdoors in daylight or indoors with flash. Enhanced color reproduction, sharpness, and smooth, fine grain. It's the perfect choice for natural-looking portraits or fun moments with your analog photography friends.
- New Film Stock.
- Package Contains: 1 Roll.
- Brand: Fujifilm.
- Film Format: 35mm Film.
- Film type: Color Negative Film.
- ISO: 200.
- Exposures: 36 Frames.
- Grain: Classic Grain.
- Contrast: Average.
- Sharpness: Average.
- Development Method: C-41.