Fomapan 100 Classic Professional - 120 - 1 Roll
Regular price €4,95Fomapan 100 Classic Professional - 120 - 1 Roll
Fomapan 100 Classic is a panchromatically sensitized, black-and-white negative 120 medium format film designed for taking photographs. The film meets high requirements for low granularity, high resolving power, and contour sharpness, and a wide range of halftones. FOMAPAN 100 Classic has a nominal speed rating of ISO 100, but due to its wide exposure latitude, the film gives good results even when overexposed by 1 EV (exposure value) (as ISO 50) or underexposed by 2 EV (as ISO 400) without any change in processing, i.e. without lengthening the development time or increasing the temperature of the developer used.
To make prints or enlargements, Fomabrom- and Fomaspeed-type enlarging papers are recommended; however, all sorts of black-and-white enlargement papers can be used.
- New FIlm Stock.
- Package Contains: 1 Roll.
- Brand: Foma.
- Film Format: 120 Film.
- Film type: Black and White Panchromatically.
- ISO: 100.
- Exposures: 6x4.5: 16 frames, 6x6: 12 frames, 6x7: 10 frames, 6x9: 8 frames.
- Grain: Fine Grain.
- Contrast: Average.
- Sharpness: Average.
- Development Method: Fomadan (LQN,R09,P,Excel), Kodak XTOL, Ilford (Microphen,Perceptol), Tetenal Emofin Liquid.
- Technical Data Link: Click here!
If you are looking for a single roll of Foma Fomapan Professional 100 Classic in 35mm film, you can find it here.