Kodak TRI-X 400 Professional - 35mm - 30.5m/100FT - Bulk
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Kodak TRI-X 400 Professional - 35mm - 30.5m/100FT - Bulk
Kodak Professional TRI-X 400 is a high-speed panchromatic film that is a good choice for photographing dimly lighted subjects or fast action, for photographing subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds, and for extending the distance range for flash pictures.
The advantage of Kodak Professional TRI-X 400 is the unique rich tonality maintained with overexposure and underexposure with an excellent rendition of details.
- New Film Stock.
- Package Contains: 1 30.5m/100ft Roll.
- Brand: Kodak.
- Film Format: 35mm Film.
- Film type: Black and White Film.
- ISO: 400.
- Grain: Fine Grain.
- Contrast: Average.
- Sharpness: High Sharpness.
- Development Method: T-Max, T-Max RS, XTOL, D76, HC-110(B).
- Technical Data Link: Click here!
If you are looking for a single roll of Kodak Tri-X 400 in 35mm, you can find it here.