Fujifilm Instax Mini 800 - 2 Pack - 2x10 Sheets
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Fujifilm Instax Mini 800 - 2 Pack - 2x10 Sheets
Fujifilm Instax Mini 800 Color Film is an ISO 800 credit-card-size integral daylight color film designed for use with Fujifilm Instax mini cameras. This glossy film yields superb results under both daylight and electronic flash conditions. Though small, its improved picture quality and greater ease of use make it ideal for snapshots and portraits. Furthermore, its easy- to-file-and-carry size makes it an excellent choice for documentary or archival purposes, as well as a wide variety of other applications.
- New Stock.
- Package Contains: 1 pack with 2x10 sheets.
- Brand: Fujifilm.
- Film Format: Instax Mini.
- Film type: Instant Film.
- ISO: 800.
- Exposures: 20 frames (2x10 sheets).
- Grain: Average.
- Contrast: Average.
- Sharpness: Average.
- Finish: Glossy.
- Borders: White
- A notation area is provided in the margin below the image. (non-water-based-ink).