Fuji Neopan Acros 100 II - 120 - 1 Roll
Regular price €13,95Fuji Neopan Acros 100 II - 120 - 1 Roll
Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 II is a medium-speed, ultra high-image-quality black-and-white negative film that boasts the world’s highest standard in grain quality among ISO-100 120 medium format films, rich gradation, and outstanding sharpness. These features make it an excellent choice for a wide range of photographic applications, including portraits, landscape, architectural subjects, product photography, photomicrography, and duplication work.
Through the incorporation of Fujifilm’s new proprietary “Super Fine-Σ Grain Technology”, this film delivers the world’s highest standard in grain quality among ISO-100 black-and-white films. Its fine grain, along with its superb grain alignment and rich gradation, makes possible smoother and sharper textural depiction, even in big enlargements.
- New Film Stock.
- Package Contains: 1 Roll.
- Brand: Fujifilm.
- Film Format: 120 Film.
- Film type: Black and White Film.
- ISO: 100.
- Exposures: 6x4.5: 16 frames, 6x6: 12 frames, 6x7: 10 frames, 6x9: 8 frames.
- Grain: Extremely Fine Grain.
- Contrast: High.
- Sharpness: Excellent Sharpness.
- Development Method: Kodak D76, X-Tol, Microfine, Super Prodol, SPD, ID-11.
- Technical Data Link: Click here!
If you are looking for single rolls of Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 II in 35mm, you can find them here.